Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd...
Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd...
Arena Animation is run by Production Studio, and one step towards us will help you in making your path towards an amazing career.
There is so much to explore within Malad Arena branch Live Practical Training Studio for Industry.
Live Practical Studio from the in-house Production studio where daily client projects are handled. We give hands-on experienced with the client projects for maximum output from the students. Training is provided by an industry-certified trainer. Our production house has done projects for major satellite channels and corporate, such as; TIMES OF INDIA, ECONOMIC TIMES, BLOOMBERG, ZEE5, AMAZON PRIME, HOTSTAR DISNEY, VIACOM 18, NETWORK 18, MONEY CONTROL, JIO SPORTS. PRIME FOCUS
The industry mainly works in three editing software’s- Avid, Premier Pro, and FCP.
Since the owner is a video editor and producer for the past 22 years, as a value addition.
Here you all will get to learn about all genres of editing, films, documentaries, music video, corporate, AVS, media partnership shows and serials. With us, the students get to know about the fundamentals of editing so that they can learn everything before stepping into the market.
Since owners belong to the industry itself, they have their own production house STUNNING SHREEM MEDIA PRODUCTION ACADEMY production house caters to the industry by providing end-to-end solutions. Pre-production to post-production. Students are taken through the live shoots where they learn about Lighting, Camera technics, and Direction... Students are made aware of the industry facts and needs of the client which certainly make the path much smoother for them to foray in the industry.
GOREGAON ARENA ANIMATION IN MUMBAI offers you a plethora of career-oriented courses through which you can achieve a goal of an Amazing Career. We offer Degrees in VFX and Animation, short-term & long-term courses, and customized courses that suit your pocket size. Education Loans with Low-Interest rates and Easy EMI options are available from various Financial Institutions. So no more worries about High Fees.
Arena Animation faculties are well trained & have an experience in the media & entertainment industry. All the Students are well-trained with the help of one-on-one sessions & unlimited access to practice . Our concept of workshops by industry experts plays an integrated part in breaking the monotony of the boring typical classroom environment.
Arena Animation (Mumbai) has been working for the past 22 years, having a vast experience in the industry and are still one of the top names in this segment. Owners have been working with Media houses, News channels, ad agencies, Film Production companies such as: BBC WST, CNN IBN, Star Network, Headlines Today, AAJ TAK, CNBC TV 18, Balaji telefilms, DD India, UTV, BLOOMBERG, BTVI, FORK Media, Curly Tales, URBAN CINEMA, ROLLER COASTER FILMS, ABP network, Greyscale productions
Don't limit your Career options to main stream courses such as MBBS, engineering, CA, or law...
Think & Seek beyond the horizon.
Your parents have done everything for your upbringing, and have supported you through their hard-earned money. It is time to take the right decision for yourself and to support them in the upcoming days!