Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd...
Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd...
We Arena Animation In Goregaon (a franchise of shreem media production academy, an ISO 9001- 2015, certified quality training studio), has come up with a comprehensive Broadcast Prime In Malad for individuals who wish to make their career in animation or the broadcast industry.
Broadcast Prime is a course in which the individual is trained in all the aspects of channel packaging. This course has gained a lot of appreciation among enthusiasts because it makes a person job-ready as well as professional in this domain.
With Arena Animation (a franchise of shreem media production academy, an ISO 9001- 2015, certified quality training studio), you will develop your passion into a profession and also will get a chance to build a portfolio while you are studying Broadcast Prime.
Course Highlights:
What You’ll Learn!